So with school just around the corner, I thought it would be helpful to let you guys know what I keep in my school bag! This is just the start of many more great posts that you will love! This is the start of my back-to-school posts, so stay posted for more tips!
In my school bag I keep...
1. Any text books, exercise books, notes, etc. that I might need for the day!
2. A pencil case including; pens, pencils, highlighters, Sharpie, rubber, USB, calculator, ruler, scissors and glue!
3. Recess + lunch + water (or drink)
4. Phone
5. Earphones or headphones
6. Laptop
7. Sunglasses
8. Emergency bag including; tissues, extra phone case, lip balm, cough lollies, pen, deodorant, hand cream, hand sanitizer, perfume, band-aids, manicure set and emergency food!
9. Make-up bag including all the products I'm wearing that day
10. A book or magazine to read incase I finish my work early
The list above is all the things I like to include in my school bag! It is very important to try and keep it light weight and not heavy, so only put the things that you will be needing for the day in your bag! I try to keep my bag as light as possible and a tip that I use is to not put more than 10 - 15 items in your bag, it really helps! Also, when I get to school, I like to put everything I don't need for my first class in my locker, it helps lighten your bag!
I hope this post helps you decide what you need for school and get rid of anything unnecessary that might be weighing down your backpack! There will be more posts like these coming soon that will lead up to school!
SOphia xx
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