Saturday, July 13, 2013

Back - To - School Study Tips!

Hey guys!

So, most of you will have exams/tests coming up upon your return to school.  This post/tutorial will help you organise your time and help you with studying!

Block out any distractions

This will really help you concentrate on the topic you have to study.  For me personally, I like listening to music, it gets me in the mood and ready to study!  Of course this is different for every individual.  Another tip you can do to block any distractions is either turn your phone to silent or completely turn it off.  This really helps keeping concentrated.  You may choose to study with the TV on, or study in complete silence.  Either way, you have to make sure that you are only focusing on the topic!

Take 5-10 minute breaks every 30 minutes

By taking short breaking every half an hour, it will give you time to relax and get back in the zone!  This really helps me when I'm studying because I usually get bored and distracted pretty easily!  During these short breaks, you can check your phone, have a quick snack or listen to music!

Make study notes and carry them EVERYWHERE

It is very important to remember what you studied and make sure that you know everything that will be in the test!  A great way to do that is to make study notes!  You can write down words you need to remember or important dates on small palm cards and then keep them in your bag!  You can pull them out and read through them if your bored or are waiting for a class!

Eat brain food

While studying for a test, you should only eat healthy food that will keep you awake and alert!  Fruit like bananas or apples are great, so are berries.  You could make a fruit smoothie to sip while studying, whatever you like!  Just make sure to eat healthy food that will be beneficial to you when studying!

Study in a comfortable place

Studying in a hard chair or on the hard floor is not the most comfortable of places to revise!  You could study on your bed or put some pillows and a blanket on the floor and study there!  If you study in an awkward position, then it can 1. be bad for your posture and 2. distract you because you are constantly trying to get comfortable!

By using all of these helpful tips, you will be prepared and ready for your test without any stress!  You will be able to answer all of those questions without any trouble what-so-ever!

SOphia xx

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